Monday, December 1, 2008

I kid you not. i didn't even bother trying the pizza, the smell was enough to put a stop to that notion.

Sorry it has been really long since i have upated (2 weeks), but it has been super busy around here. As we just took a 2 week vacation, the teachers have been piling on the work. I will quickly sum up what exciting stuff I have been doing outside school, which is same old same old.

So, last weekend just to shake things up, my friend and I went to the Muslim Quarter in Beijing to visit a famous mosque in Beijing. The mosque was very interesting, Muslim with Chinese characteristics. Very quiet because we were the only visitors there. Afterwards, we walked around for awhile to see what we could see. Not much, unfortunately. But we bought some very delicious chocolate covered popcorn. Sunday was spent studying, as always.

So, Thanksgiving in Beijing. Well, not much happened. went to school as always. my family took me out to a nice Chinese restaurant, after the longest martial arts class I have every had. My left leg still hurts. Over the weekend, my friends and I celebrated American style. We went to a western restaurant and ate until we couldn't eat any more. The banana milkshakes were amazing. Afterwards, we wandered around Wanfujing looking for karoke, but we never found it. Instead, we just wandered around people watching. We were a tad over dressed because my friend said we could only come if dressed up, and then she cornered me and applied makeup. So, we were a little conspicous, but we had fun nonetheless.

So, nothing else new to report. School goes on as always with too much homework to do in one night. but what else is new around here. the weather here is pretty good, still in the forties, but with lots of wind and clear skies, when the pollution isn't too bad.

I hope everything is going well at home.



Anonymous said...

Dear Steph,
Sorry to hear that you think life in China is so mundane, I would think that if you were back in C-land the story would be very similar except that the Snow would be included. My junior year away from OF was met with little to do, lots of homework and the megatropolis of Howe Indiana to roam the streets of, WOW. So cheer up it could be worse, I guess. This time next year when you are a big bad Senior at HB these days will be pleasant memories. Hang in there.

Janet Cushey said...

I adore that pizza parlor picture (AHHH ALITERATION!). I probably would have been silly enough to actually try some.